"Mind-Blowing Revelation! Celtic's Secret Weapon Revealed - footballivenews
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“Mind-Blowing Revelation! Celtic’s Secret Weapon Revealed



“Luis Palma and Kyogo Furuhashi have showcased their Champions League prowess, but it’s on the domestic stage that former Celtic star Davie Provan is singing the praises of 25-year-old Daizen Maeda. The Japanese winger’s value to Celtic is evident in European competitions, yet it’s against Rangers that Provan believes Maeda truly shines.

The Daizen Maeda Debate – Is Perseverance The Answer? | OneFootball

According to Provan [The Sunday Post print edition page 60], ‘Daizen Maeda is also a genuine asset on the wings. His explosive ball-handling abilities make him a constant headache for full-backs. It’s unfortunate that he’s currently sidelined due to injury, and his absence will undoubtedly be felt by the team.’

Provan expresses a desire for Brendan Rodgers to have Maeda back for the crucial clash against Rangers on December 30, highlighting Maeda’s consistent excellence in those matchups. Provan notes, ‘He plays well against Rangers. He scores and he creates.’

Just like Liel Abada, the Japan international seems to elevate his performance when facing the Ibrox club. In eleven appearances against Rangers, Maeda boasts an impressive record, with seven wins, two draws, and only two losses. During these encounters, he has contributed three assists and scored a crucial goal in last season’s New Year Derby. Rangers captain James Tavernier has found Maeda to be a formidable adversary [Transfermarkt].

While questions linger about Maeda’s delivery into the box, his effectiveness against Rangers is undeniable. Beyond his offensive contributions, Maeda’s defensive prowess has proven crucial, playing a pivotal role in helping Rodgers’ ten men secure a victory against Livingston earlier in the season.

Despite Maeda’s current injury setback from the tackle that led to his red card against Atletico Madrid, Celtic fans are hopeful for his swift recovery, anticipating his return for the second Glasgow Derby of the season at the end of December.

In other developments, Kenny Miller openly admits he envies one aspect of Celtic’s season that Rangers lack – find out what he’s talking about!”
