Star Players' Mindset Post-Red Sox Trade - footballivenews
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Star Players’ Mindset Post-Red Sox Trade



Perhaps it’s as straightforward as this: playing has been a rare luxury for him in the past five years, and it gnaws at him, this sense of vulnerability, of unresolved ambitions. Sale has always thrived when he has a point to prove. Initially, it was with the Chicago White Sox, who drafted him 13th overall in 2010 despite skepticism from other teams about his physique and unconventional delivery. Then, with the Boston Red Sox, he embraced a larger stage and postseason baseball, ultimately celebrating a World Series victory in 2018.

Now, after enduring numerous injuries, Sale finds himself with the Atlanta Braves, arguably one of the top teams in baseball. They turned to him in the offseason to bolster their quest for another championship, banking not only on Sale’s talent but also on his character and experience.

To avoid oversimplification, it may be apt to view Sale’s current situation as a fresh start. His body is finally cooperating, allowing him to unleash fastballs at 97 mph and execute sliders with precision. The feelings of disappointment and disillusionment that once plagued him, prompting doubts about his future in the game, are gradually dissipating. This leaves Sale not to rediscover his old self, but rather to define his identity at 35 years old.

“It took its toll on me,” he admits, “but I’m here now and we’re rolling.”

Acknowledging the present requires reckoning with the past, and Sale finds himself in this reflective state today. He’s still processing the events of the past five years, including injuries that derailed his trajectory. Despite the setback, Sale signed a lucrative contract extension after helping the Red Sox win the World Series in 2018. However, subsequent struggles and injuries led to feelings of regret and unfulfilled promises.

“It’s a double-edged sword for me,” Sale reflects. “The whole reason I got traded [to Boston] was to help them win a World Series. And I feel satisfied in doing that. It’s just obviously what happened after that. That’s just one of the bigger regrets in my life. It’ll always be.”

In the midst of adversity, Sale’s commitment wavered, and he contemplated walking away from the game entirely. However, the unwavering support of his wife and children convinced him to persevere.

“Just the fact that they’re bought in,” Sale shares. “My kids absolutely love it. They love it. And my wife — she’s like, ‘Listen, I want you out to do this. You’ve been doing it for so long, what’s a few more years?’ She’s still in my corner for now.”

Despite his injury-riddled past, Sale attracted interest from teams looking to acquire him. The Atlanta Braves emerged as a potential suitor, driven by their aspirations for another championship. Sale’s presence could not only fortify their pitching rotation but also serve as a mentor to younger players.

Sale’s return to form in spring training has validated Atlanta’s decision to acquire him. His performance on the mound, coupled with his leadership qualities, bodes well for the team’s aspirations. Looking ahead, Sale is determined to make the most of this opportunity and contribute to Atlanta’s pursuit of a championship.

“In a team sport, the ultimate goal is to win something together,” Sale emphasizes. “And that moment, I’ll never forget that. Never.”

As Sale embarks on this new chapter with the Braves, he is driven by a singular ambition: to win another championship, this time in the National League.

“I got one in the AL,” Sale declares. “Let’s get one in the NL.”

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