Refs Screwed Team In Game Fans Say Was ‘Rigged’ By NFL - footballivenews
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Refs Screwed Team In Game Fans Say Was ‘Rigged’ By NFL



During a recent appearance on the 33rd Team’s “St. Browns Bros” podcast, Chicago Bears quarterback Justin Fields stirred up discussions among some NFL fans who perceive the league as “rigged.” Fields recounted his feelings about the Bears’ 2021 game against the Pittsburgh Steelers during his rookie year, a Monday Night Football matchup that ended in a 29-27 victory for the Steelers. Despite acknowledging positive aspects of the game, such as the Steelers’ impressive stadium, Fields also expressed discontent with certain officiating decisions that he believed favored the Steelers.

Fields asserted that the referees unfairly impacted the outcome of the game, stating, “I’m not gonna get fined here, right? Alright, I gotta say it. The refs, they cheated.” He specifically pointed out an instance where a critical flag was thrown against the Bears, nullifying a touchdown pass by Fields due to a penalty.

Interestingly, a 2021 article from The Big Lead highlighted the NFL Network’s revelation that the league privately acknowledged officiating errors that disadvantaged the Bears in that game. Members of the NFL’s officiating department reportedly admitted to multiple critical calls and non-calls that went against Chicago, including penalties that negated a Bears touchdown and missed infractions by the Steelers.

The controversial officiating in the Bears-Steelers game prompted some NFL fans to question the integrity of the league, with accusations of favoritism toward certain teams. The victory was crucial for the Steelers’ playoff aspirations, leading some fans to speculate about potential bias in officiating decisions.

Looking ahead, there is hope among fans that officiating will improve in the 2024 season. Many are frustrated with what they perceive as inconsistent and questionable calls, particularly in the context of the legal sports betting era. Calls for the NFL to modernize its officiating systems and technology persist, with some fans speculating that the league’s reluctance to embrace change may contribute to ongoing issues with officiating quality.

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