Devers and Pedroia Speak Out - footballivenews
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Devers and Pedroia Speak Out



Rafael Devers voiced his frustration with Red Sox ownership during a press conference in Fort Myers on Tuesday, expressing disappointment over the team’s lack of improvement during the offseason despite numerous opportunities.

Devers emphasized the need for adjustments to enhance the team’s chances of winning, stating, “They need to make adjustments to help us players be in a better position to win.” He acknowledged that everyone in the organization, including the players, shares the desire to win but stressed the importance of addressing weaknesses and meeting the team’s needs.

In addition to Devers, other former Red Sox players have spoken out. Dustin Pedroia reached out to president and CEO Sam Kennedy via FaceTime to highlight the remaining talent in the free-agent market. Similarly, Jonathan Papelbon, speaking on “Foul Territory,” urged the team to heed the voices of experienced players and make improvements for the 2024 season.

Papelbon emphasized the necessity of signing Jordan Montgomery, citing his ability to provide consistent innings, a rare commodity in today’s game. Despite admitting to positive discussions with ownership during Red Sox Winter Weekend, Papelbon emphasized the importance of action over perfection, urging the team to pursue players who can make an immediate impact.

While the Red Sox’s plans for the rotation remain uncertain, acquiring a pitcher like Montgomery could significantly strengthen their pitching staff ahead of Opening Day.
